Pay only $110 for the Summer Semester. That's $35 off the regular price!
Special Guest - Deborah Darr, P.T. GCFP
December 12th - 10am Pacific
Deborah Darr, Physical Therapist, Feldenkrais and Nia Dance instructor, will guide us in waking up our bodies by getting in touch with the way we are meant to move to enliven our voices.
Deborah majored in Dance at Ohio State Univ, then moved to NYC to pursue what became a 27 year career in theater, including roles on Broadway and on television.
In the late 1980's, she suffered a severe leg injury from a motorcycle accident. After multiple reconstructive surgeries and many hours of rehabilitation, she decided to go back to school, first, to obtain her certification in Massage Therapy from The Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy in NYC, then to complete a Physical Therapy degree from New York University. Upon graduating as valedictorian of her class, Deborah was offered a staff position at the Rehab Institute of Chicago, specializing in rehab for performing artists and those patients with chronic pain. Soon after relocating to Chicago, Deborah completed the 4 year certification in the Feldenkrais Technique. A few years after that , returning to her first passion of dance, she obtained her Blue Belt certification in NIA Dance.
In 2001, Deborah left RIC in order to pursue a private practice, primarily utilizing Feldenkrais and Massage therapy/ manual techniques to help clients with various forms of chronic pain. She continues as a contract therapist to teach weekly Feldenkrais and Creative Movement classes for the Chronic Pain Program at RIC.
Deborah currently teaches daily NIA and Feldenkrais classes on Zoom.
Each session is $12, or attend ALL December events for $30! The Open House is free for all.
All ages & genders welcome
to the Sing-Alongs!
December 8th - 5pm Pacific
Sing-A-Long Holiday Music. Join us in the holiday classics and
December 15th - 5pm Pacific
Sing-A-Long Messiah (Part 1)
Free Class/Open House
December 13th - 12pm Pacific
Join us for an introduction to what we do at The Ageless Singer!
This is a FREE Class, so invite your Ageless friends.
Click HERE to register. Registration required for this FREE event.