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 Classes & Membership            

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  Our Fall Classes begin September 7th!

Registration Opens Soon!

The Fall term will be from September 7th - November 21st, with a 1 week break in October


Mondays  -    1:00pm Central Time  with Tracy     

Tuesdays -     7:00pm Central Time  with Tracy              

Thursdays -  10:00am Central Time with Lisa

Saturdays -   12:00pm Central Time with Lisa


Our practices are informed by The Alexander Technique principles and modern voice science

Membership includes:

  • 1 hour class each week.  Choose one: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays.

  • Access to replays of all classes

  • 10 classes during the term

  • Full access to "21 Days to Vocal Stamina" video series

  • Bonus Videos and Guest Speakers

  • Access to our private FaceBook page, where you can interact with others in the community.

From these classes you will have a greater understanding of:


  • How to release unnecessary body tension

  • Allowing freer movement of your body to support your voice

  • Finding greater confidence through accessing your full breathing capacity


We address every aspect of what it means to be a successful singer – mind, body, spirit and voice.  In our programs, you will learn that you sing and perform best when you acknowledge that you are one, whole integrated self. 


We believe that singers thrive when they are nurtured and supported versus criticized and put down. 

At TAS, you will learn how to cultivate greater self-kindness by consciously celebrating your efforts and achievements, no matter how big or small. â€‹

There will be 10 sessions in the Fall term.  Our regular price is $239 to become a member which includes admission to any bonus classes, extra video lessons, and more!  Early registration offers a special discount.  Subscribe below to be notified when that becomes available.

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